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What is pubsubhubbub?

For me “pubsubhubbub” is a weird name to hear but Google want to name this tool like this to help publishers to fight against plagiarism and ping Google bots whenever you update your blog. First let me explain technically about this new tool from Google, pubsubhubbub is a simple, open, server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol as an extension to Atom and RSS.

This tool is useful for both publishers and subscribers who subscribe to any blog or website through RSS or Atom. Publishers upon configuring this tool in their blog or website, whenever they add new content it will be updated to Google bots and the important benefit is when the publisher updates the content, it will update Google bots and RSS/Atom feeds, and with this functionality feed subscribers will be updated immediately after the blog post is updated along with time and date.

Using this tool Publishers can fight against plagiarism, for example if website A is generating unique and quality content regularly and if website B copies and post it in his website and tweak the date and time to the time before website A posts the content. When the Google bot crawls, it identifies website B’s content as unique and punish website A who is the original owner of the content over the time. By using this tool a publisher like website A can update Google bots on real time and avoid plagiarism. Additionally when you create a post if you update into social media, there is a chance of someone who can share it and Google will also consider it as one of the factor and recheck the originality of the content.

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