The Real Dedicated Hosting Blog

How to use Mod_PageSpeed functionality for your domain

We have worked extensively with Google PageSpeed team and bring its benefits to our Linux Hosting customers, by this we have proven our commitment on constantly improving and adopting new technologies and passing those benefits to our customers.

Below are the steps to add PageSpeed functionality for your domain name:

  1. Open .htaccess file in your domain.  If that file is not there, you just need to create one as a new file and name it as .htaccess
  2. Put the below code in .htaccess file:
    ModPagespeed on
    ModPagespeedRewriteLevel PassThrough
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters extend_cache
    ModPagespeedRewriteLevel CoreFilters
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_css
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_heads
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_javascript
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_css
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_javascript
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters inline_css
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters inline_javascript
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_images
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters inline_images
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters make_google_analytics_async
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters move_css_above_scripts
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters move_css_to_head
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters sprite_images
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters lazyload_images
  3. Once the setup is done, you just need to ensure that .htaccess has proper permissions to execute.

Once it starts working it will speed up the web browsing experience for your website, as it optimize the static contents (jpg, jpeg, CSS, java scripts)  of the web pages of your site.

To check the difference and whether PageSpeed is working or not, you just need to go to and enter your domain name, you will see the significant change in the score of your domain.

Note: this may not go with existing cache plugins like wp-supercache or wp-totalcache or any cache settings. At any time if you want to disable this remove the added code from your htaccess file.

If you have any difficulty in understanding or implementing this, you may raise request to customer care at

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