Since last 6 months, Google incorporated real time updates into its search results page. you might think what exactly is this real time results mean? Google partnered with social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace to provide search related real time results. The issue with Google’s real time results is that they will not appear for all the search terms and also real time results gets updated very fast with new information. Here is how the real time results looks like in Google Search Results.

How to Appear?
There is no information from Google on how they include your tweets or updates in real time results but after closely observing the behavior patterns, here are some things which may impact the Google real time results. You may want to try these to include your tweets and facebook updates into the real time results:
- Google will look for the followers of your account and analyse their messages, links to determine whether the tweet or message is a SPAM or genuine post.
- Google may index profiles of the users those are more retweeted than the other users who are discussing on the same topic and also if the user have more high authority followers, the chance of user messages appearing in the real time results will be higher.
- Google will analyse the information posted on your social media accounts and determine whether it is spam or genuine before it displays your tweets or facebook updates in real time results.
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